Costco Brown Sugar Boba Bars Review 2024

Ever since I discovered the mouthwatering delight of brown sugar boba, I’ve been on a quest to find the ultimate treat that combines my love for this trendy flavor with the irresistible charm of frozen desserts.

Imagine my excitement when I stumbled upon Costco’s Brown Sugar Boba Bars! As a passionate Costco shopper and boba enthusiast, I had to try these bars and see if they live up to the hype.

In this post, I’ll share my firsthand experience with these tantalizing treats, diving into every aspect, from the unboxing to the very last bite.

You’ll want to keep reading if you’re a fellow boba lover or simply curious about this popular flavor. Together, we’ll explore the cost, convenience, nutrition, and taste, comparing them to other options on the market.

By the end, you’ll know whether these bars satisfy your sweet tooth or if they’re just another passing fad. So, join me on this delicious journey of Costco Brown Sugar Boba Bars Review!

You can also read my review on a similar product that is Costco Boba Bam Instant Boba Pack.

Unboxing & Packaging

I couldn’t contain my excitement when I finally got my hands on a box of Costco’s Brown Sugar Boba Bars. I noticed its weight and sturdiness as I carefully lifted the box off the shelf.

The packaging was eye-catching with its warm brown color scheme, and the enticing image of a boba bar with a caramel-like drizzle made my taste buds tingle in anticipation.

Upon arriving home, I eagerly opened the box to unveil its contents. Inside, I found ten individually wrapped bars, each secured in a plastic sleeve adorned with the same design as the outer packaging.

The wrappers were easy to open, and I appreciated the attention to detail as the bars were well-protected to prevent any breakage or freezer burn.

As a Costco shopper, I value efficiency and practicality, and this box of Brown Sugar Boba Bars didn’t disappoint.

The compact size of the box made it a breeze to store in my freezer, and the uniform arrangement of the bars allowed for effortless retrieval whenever my cravings struck.

Throughout my experience with the unboxing and packaging, I felt the excitement build as I was about to taste these much-awaited treats.

Costco had put thought into every aspect, from the box’s design to the individual wrappers, providing me with a satisfying and delightful introduction to the Brown Sugar Boba Bars.


As a frugal shopper, I always keep an eye on the price tag, especially when it comes to trying new products.

I was delighted to find that Costco offered the Brown Sugar Boba Bars at an incredibly competitive price.

For a box of 12 bars, I paid just $14.99 CAD (or around $13.99 USD). That works out to about $1.25 CAD ($1.17 USD) per bar, which I found to be quite a bargain, given the unique flavor and quality.

Having compared the prices at other grocery stores, I quickly realized that Costco offered the best value for these scrumptious treats.

The lower price didn’t compromise the quality or taste of the boba bars, which made the deal even sweeter!

In my experience, it’s always a win when I can indulge in a delicious dessert without breaking the bank.

Costco’s Brown Sugar Boba Bars allowed me to satisfy my craving for boba and ice cream while staying within my budget.

And as a bonus, the price per bar made it easier for me to share the joy with friends and family without feeling guilty about the cost.

For fellow Costco shoppers looking to treat themselves to something special, these Brown Sugar Boba Bars offer both a delightful taste experience and an unbeatable value that will leave your wallet and your taste buds happy.


One of the aspects I appreciate most about Costco’s Brown Sugar Boba Bars is their convenience.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the best-before date on the box was nearly two years from my purchase, which gave me plenty of time to savor these treats without feeling rushed.

However, I must admit that they were so delectable they didn’t last nearly that long in my home!

The bars needed to be kept frozen, so I stored them in my freezer to maintain their cold, creamy texture.

The individual packaging made it easy to grab one whenever I craved a refreshing treat, and the fact that each bar weighed approximately 3 ounces made them perfect for a satisfying snack.

As someone who likes to utilize freezer space efficiently, I found the compact box design to be a boon.

The bars were neatly arranged, making it simple to fit them into my freezer alongside my other frozen goods.

This thoughtful packaging meant I didn’t have to sacrifice precious freezer real estate for the sake of indulgence.

Costco’s Brown Sugar Boba Bars provided a delightful combination of taste and convenience. The long shelf life, individual packaging, and compact design allowed me to enjoy these treats at my leisure while maximizing space in my freezer – a true testament to Costco’s commitment to quality and practicality.


The moment of truth finally arrived: it was time to taste the much-anticipated Brown Sugar Boba Bars from Costco. The amazing flavor instantly captivated me as I unwrapped my first bar and took a bite.

It was sweet but not overly so, striking a perfect balance that made every mouthful irresistible. The brown sugar syrup was mixed in very nicely, providing a delightful contrast to the creamy ice cream base.

However, the chewy, gummy, and oh-so-yummy texture of the tapioca balls or pearls truly set these bars apart.

These little gems were a game-changer, transforming the ice cream bar into a popsicle version of a beloved “bubble tea” or “boba drink.”

The sweet and creamy ice cream combined with the tapioca pearls’ unique texture created a unique taste experience that I couldn’t get enough of.

I was pleased to find that the tapioca pearls were chewy but not hard, ensuring a pleasant mouthfeel with each bite.

There seemed to be at least one or two boba tapioca balls per mouthful, so I never felt short-changed on the boba front. However, these bars might not be your cup of tea if you’re not a fan of chewy textures.

As I savored my Brown Sugar Boba Bar, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction and delight. The combination of flavors and textures exceeded my expectations and left me craving more.

Costco had truly managed to capture the essence of a brown sugar boba drink in a convenient and delicious frozen treat.

The taste of Costco’s Brown Sugar Boba Bars is nothing short of spectacular. These bars are a must-try for those who love boba drinks or simply enjoy trying new and unique desserts.

From the sweet and creamy ice cream base to the chewy tapioca pearls, every bite is a celebration of flavor and texture.

So, the next time you’re strolling through the aisles at Costco, don’t hesitate to pick up a box of these delightful treats and experience the magic for yourself.


After indulging in my first Costco Brown Sugar Boba Bar, I made sure to check the nutritional information, as I believe it’s essential to be mindful of what we’re putting into our bodies.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that one bar contains 140 calories, making it a relatively guilt-free treat.

Breaking down the nutritional values further, each bar has five grams of fat, 23 grams of carbohydrates, and zero grams of fiber.

It’s worth noting that there are 15 grams of sugar, which is not surprising considering the sweet nature of brown sugar boba. The bars also contain one gram of protein and 45 milligrams of sodium.

While the Brown Sugar Boba Bars may not be the healthiest snack option, I appreciated the fact that the calorie count was reasonable for an occasional indulgence.

I believe that enjoying life is all about balance, and treating myself to one of these scrumptious bars from time to time fits nicely within that mindset.

As a passionate Costco shopper, I value transparency in the products I purchase. I appreciated that the nutritional information was clearly displayed on the packaging, allowing me to decide whether to incorporate these tasty treats into my diet.

In the end, the Costco Brown Sugar Boba Bars struck a delightful balance between satisfying my sweet tooth and fitting within my overall approach to nutrition.

What I Liked & What I Didn’t Like

As a passionate Costco shopper, I had both positive and negative experiences with the Brown Sugar Boba Bars. Here’s a breakdown of what I liked and didn’t like about them.

What I Liked:

  • Unique & Tasty Flavor: The combination of brown sugar syrup, creamy ice cream, and chewy tapioca pearls made for a truly delightful and one-of-a-kind taste experience.
  • Individually Packaged: The separate packaging for each bar made it convenient to grab just one at a time while also making it easy to share with friends and family.
  • Long Shelf Life: With a best-before date of nearly two years, these bars are perfect for stocking up and enjoying over an extended period.
  • Affordable: At just $1.25 CAD ($1.17 USD) per bar, these treats are an excellent value for the unique flavor and quality they offer.
  • Wide Appeal: The Brown Sugar Boba Bars cater to a broad audience, including those who love bubble tea and those who enjoy trying new and unique desserts.

What I Didn’t Like:

  • Not Suitable For Those Who Dislike Chewing While Eating Ice Cream: If you’re not a fan of chewy textures, these bars might not be the right choice for you.
  • Limited Availability: The Brown Sugar Boba Bars can sometimes be challenging to find, as they tend to sell out quickly due to their popularity.
  • Inconsistent Tapioca Pearl Distribution: While most bites had at least one or two tapioca pearls, some had fewer, making for an uneven distribution of chewy pearls throughout the bar.

The Costco Brown Sugar Boba Bars have much to offer, but they may not be for everyone. Personally, I found the unique flavor, convenience, and affordability to outweigh the minor drawbacks, making these bars a worthy addition to my freezer.

While I acknowledge the potential downsides, I still highly recommend trying these treats if you’re looking for a new and exciting dessert option.


I couldn’t help but compare the Brown Sugar Boba Bars to other popular dessert options. While there are many ice cream bars on the market, the Brown Sugar Boba Bars truly stand out with their distinct flavor and texture.

In comparison to traditional ice cream bars, the Brown Sugar Boba Bars offer a more complex flavor profile.

The sweetness of the brown sugar syrup complements the creaminess of the ice cream, while the chewy tapioca pearls add an extra layer of textural intrigue.

If you’re a fan of bubble tea or boba drinks, you’ll find these bars to be a delightful frozen twist on a classic favorite.

Moreover, I found that the Costco Brown Sugar Boba Bars provide excellent value compared to other ice cream bars. Not only are they more affordable, but their unique flavor and texture make them a more memorable dessert experience.

On the other hand, it’s essential to consider personal preferences when comparing the Brown Sugar Boba Bars to other options. If you’re not a fan of chewy textures or prefer more traditional flavors, you might find other ice cream bars to be a better fit.

Ultimately, as a passionate Costco shopper who’s tried a variety of frozen desserts, I can confidently say that the Brown Sugar Boba Bars offer a unique, delicious, and satisfying experience that sets them apart from the competition.

Few Words Before Wrapping Up

My Costco Brown Sugar Boba Bars Review highlights the unique qualities that make these frozen treats stand out from other dessert options.

As a passionate Costco shopper with first-hand experience, I can attest to the delightful combination of sweet brown sugar syrup, creamy ice cream, and chewy tapioca pearls that make these bars a refreshing and satisfying treat.

While they may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those who prefer traditional ice cream bars or aren’t fans of chewy textures, I believe the Brown Sugar Boba Bars offer a one-of-a-kind experience that many will enjoy.

Their affordability, long shelf life, and wide appeal make them a worthy addition to your freezer, especially if you’re looking to try something new and exciting.

I hope my insights and personal experiences have provided a helpful perspective on the Costco Brown Sugar Boba Bars and have encouraged you to give them a try.

By sharing my expertise and genuine love for these frozen delights, I hope to inspire others to explore the unique and flavorful world of Costco’s Brown Sugar Boba Bars.

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