Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates Review 2024 (Decadent Delights)

As a long-time Costco shopper, I have always been drawn to the incredible range of products the store offers. One of my favorite indulgences is Costco’s delicious Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates.

Lindt, a renowned Swiss chocolate brand, is known for its high-quality chocolates, and their Lindor line is no exception.

This detailed review will share my first-hand experience with Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates and provide valuable insights to help fellow chocolate lovers make informed decisions.

Unboxing & Packaging

Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates Unboxing & Packaging

Upon purchasing the Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates, the packaging design immediately impressed me.

The outer packaging is made of high-quality materials, featuring a beautiful, glossy finish that gives it a premium look.

The Lindt logo and assorted chocolate images on the front instantly caught my eye and heightened my anticipation.

As I opened the package, I noticed that the inner packaging was pretty impressive, with different flavors of chocolate in the pack.

Inside The Box

The assortment included 40-50 pieces of chocolates in four different flavors. As an environmentally conscious shopper, I appreciated the recyclable packaging materials, reducing the product’s environmental impact.

One factor that keeps me coming back to Costco is its commitment to product quality and freshness. The chocolates in this assortment were no exception – they looked and smelled fresh, and I couldn’t wait to taste them.

Flavor & Taste Test

Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates

Milk Chocolate

The milk chocolate Lindor truffle is a classic favorite. As I bit into the chocolate shell, I was delighted by the perfect balance of thickness and creaminess.

The filling was incredibly smooth and rich, with just the right amount of sweetness. I could taste the high-quality cocoa and milk ingredients, which made this truffle a truly indulgent treat.

White Chocolate

The white chocolate truffle offers a unique twist to the traditional Lindor assortment. The vanilla and cocoa butter aroma was immediately noticeable upon unwrapping the truffle.

The filling had a velvety texture and consistency that melted in my mouth, offering a perfect balance of sweetness and creaminess. This truffle is ideal for those who prefer a milder yet still luxurious chocolate experience.

Dark Chocolate

As a fan of dark chocolate, I was excited to try the dark chocolate Lindor truffle. The cocoa percentage and bitterness level were just right, providing a rich and intense flavor that didn’t overpower the senses.

The filling contrasted beautifully with the chocolate shell, adding depth and complexity to the overall taste. This truffle is perfect for those who appreciate the boldness of dark chocolate.


The hazelnut Lindor truffle offers a delightful combination of flavors and textures. The hazelnut pieces were generously distributed throughout the truffle, satisfying each bite’s crunch.

The nuttiness blended harmoniously with the chocolate, while the creamy filling added a smooth and velvety texture. This truffle is a must-try for those who enjoy the classic pairing of chocolate and hazelnuts.

Extra Dark Chocolate

For those who crave a more intense chocolate experience, the extra dark chocolate Lindor truffle is a perfect choice. The high cocoa content gives the truffle a deep, bold flavor with a balanced level of bitterness and sweetness.

The filling is equally rich and intense, creating a luxurious and decadent treat that any chocolate enthusiast will appreciate.

Nutritional Information

Having personally sampled these delectable chocolates, I’d love to share my insights on their nutritional information so that you can enjoy them guilt-free.

Each Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolate pack includes a delightful mix of milk, dark, and white chocolate truffles with their signature melt-in-your-mouth centers. As someone who adores variety, I was thrilled to savor these luxurious chocolates’ distinct flavors and textures.

Christmas Box (one ball contains):

  • Calories: 80
  • Fat: 6 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 6 grams
  • Sugar: 5 grams
  • Sodium: 10 mg
  • Protein: 1 gram

Seasonal Easter Box (three balls contains):

  • Calories: 230
  • Fat: 18 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 16 grams
  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Sugar: 16 grams
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Sodium: 25 milligrams

I appreciate that these chocolates contain no artificial flavors or preservatives and use high-quality ingredients that make each bite a sensory delight.

Moreover, each chocolate type offers specific nutritional benefits: dark chocolate is known for its antioxidants, while milk chocolate provides a good dose of calcium. White chocolate, on the other hand, is perfect for those who prefer a sweeter taste.

Comparing To Other Retailers

One of the reasons I love shopping at Costco is the exceptional value for money they offer. Compared to other retailers, Costco’s Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates are priced more affordably, especially considering the bulk purchase discounts available.

This makes indulging in these delicious treats a more accessible experience for chocolate lovers on a budget. The availability and ease of purchase at Costco are unmatched by other retailers.

I’ve found that the Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates are consistently in stock and easy to locate in the store. In addition, Costco often offers exclusive promotions, such as discounts or bonus items, which further enhance the overall value of the purchase.

While other retailers may offer Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates in different packaging, flavors, or sizes, I have found that the Costco assortment provides a well-rounded selection that caters to various preferences.

The exclusive Costco offerings and the convenience of purchasing a larger quantity make it my go-to choice for stocking up on these delightful chocolates.

Perfect Occasions For Enjoying

Gifting Options & Customizations

Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates make an excellent gift for various occasions. I have personally gifted them during holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and special events, and they have always been well-received.

The elegant packaging and the wide variety of flavors cater to diverse tastes, ensuring that the recipient will appreciate your gift.

Personal Indulgence & Self-Care Moments

There’s nothing better than treating yourself to a little self-care; these chocolates are the perfect accompaniment. I have enjoyed them during movie nights, while relaxing in a warm bath, or as a delightful after-dinner treat.

The rich, indulgent flavors and luxurious texture make these chocolates an ideal way to pamper yourself and savor a moment of bliss.

Sharing With Friends & Family At Gatherings

Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates are also great for sharing at gatherings, such as dinner parties, holiday celebrations, or potlucks. The assortment offers something for everyone, and the high-quality, delicious taste is sure to impress your guests.

Pairing Suggestions


To enhance the chocolate-tasting experience, I recommend pairing the Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates with a variety of beverages.

For wine lovers, a robust red wine or a sweet dessert wine can complement the rich flavors of the chocolates. For coffee enthusiasts, a well-balanced espresso or a smooth pour-over coffee can elevate the chocolate’s taste profile.

Tea drinkers may enjoy pairing the chocolates with a full-bodied black tea or a delicate green tea, depending on their preference.

Other Snacks Or Desserts

In addition to beverages, Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates can be paired with other snacks or desserts for a truly indulgent experience.

A cheese and charcuterie board featuring a variety of cheeses, cured meats, and fruits can provide a savory contrast to sweet chocolates.

A fruit platter, including fresh berries, grapes, and sliced apples, can offer a refreshing balance to the rich flavors. Gourmet cookies or pastries can also complement the chocolates and create a delightful dessert spread.

Storing & Handling Tips

To maintain the freshness and quality of the Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates, it’s essential to store them properly.

I recommend keeping the chocolates in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Keeping them in an airtight container is also crucial to preserve their aroma and taste.

What I Liked and What I Didn’t Like

What I Liked

Variety Of Flavors: The assortment of flavors offered in the Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences, ensuring that everyone can find a flavor they love.

Packaging: The elegant packaging design and recyclable materials make the product an attractive and environmentally friendly choice for personal consumption or gifting.

Value For Money: Costco offers competitive pricing on Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates, allowing me to indulge in high-quality chocolates without breaking the bank.

Taste & Texture: The rich, indulgent taste and luxurious texture of each truffle in the assortment consistently exceed my expectations, making them a delightful treat to enjoy and share.

Convenience: Costco’s availability and ease of purchase make stocking up on these chocolates a hassle-free experience.

What I Didn’t Like

Limited Edition Flavors: While the assortment of flavors included in the Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates is excellent, I would love to see more limited edition or seasonal flavors offered in the future.

Portion Control: Due to the deliciousness of these chocolates, it can be challenging to practice portion control. It would be helpful if the packaging included resealable features to help maintain freshness and discourage overindulgence.

Nut Allergies: The hazelnut flavor in the assortment may pose a concern for those with nut allergies. I would appreciate a nut-free option in the assortment to cater to individuals with allergies or sensitivities.

Despite these minor drawbacks, the positives of the Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates far outweigh the negatives. The incredible taste, variety of flavors, and excellent value for money make these chocolates a must-try for any chocolate lover.

Few Words Before Wrapping Up

I can confidently say that the Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates is a top-notch choice for chocolate enthusiasts. The elegant packaging, diverse flavor profiles, and exceptional value for money make these chocolates delightful for personal indulgence or gifting.

I encourage fellow chocolate lovers to visit their local Costco and try these delicious chocolates. I am confident that you will be just as impressed and satisfied as I have been with my purchases.

Costco’s commitment to quality, value, and convenience makes it the perfect destination for stocking up on these delectable chocolates.

So go ahead, indulge your taste buds, and savor the luxurious and satisfying experience that Costco Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolates have to offer.

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