Costco PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder Review 2024

As an avid Costco shopper and a fervent health enthusiast, I’m thrilled to share my experience with the Costco PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder – a standout gem in my shopping cart.

A velvety, high-protein, gluten-free, vegan-friendly delicacy that seamlessly blends into your post-workout smoothies, enhancing their nutritional profile and taste.

Or imagine transforming your spouse’s go-to snack into an even healthier treat, elevating bread and oatmeal into a delightful savor.

PB Fit, made from all-natural organic peanuts, is not only tasty, quick, and convenient but also light on your wallet.

This power-packed peanut butter powder has become a staple in my kitchen, and I am excited to delve into the nitty-gritty of why it should secure a spot in yours too.

If you’re intrigued by this duality of health and affordability, come along, and let’s embark on this flavorful journey together!

Unboxing & Packaging

The moment I laid eyes on the PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder at my local Costco, its vibrant orange branding commanded my attention amidst the multitude of products.

With the durable 850g container nestled in my hands, the weight testified to the bounty within. The orange top cover complemented the bottle’s label, harmoniously unifying the packaging with an energetic charm that was hard to miss.

But the magic truly began when I popped the seal off. A whiff of the fresh and invigorating aroma immediately transported me to a peanut paradise.

The packaging, like a trusted guard, had done a remarkable job keeping the scent and integrity of the product intact.

Beyond just aesthetics, the robust and well-designed packaging ensured a hassle-free unboxing experience, further solidifying my positive impressions of PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder.

Now, let’s delve deeper and explore the cost-effectiveness of this wholesome product.


I’ll never forget the joy of spotting PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder on sale at Costco. My heart skipped a beat as I snagged the 850g bottle for just around $9-$10, down from the usual price range of $11-$12.

It felt like striking gold, experiencing the thrill of a bargain hunter, for this was no ordinary find. It was my favorite protein-packed, all-natural peanut butter powder.

While the usual price may seem a touch steep, let’s not forget the high-quality, organic ingredients and the generous 850g that it delivers. Compared to similar products in the market, I found the price justified for the nutrition and taste it offers.

Even without a sale, I would still consider it a worthy purchase for its quality. And when you chance upon a sale like I did, you’ll feel like you’ve won a mini lottery! Keep an eye out for those deals, and you might just get lucky too.


The first spoonful of PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder was like stepping into a new realm of tastes. It’s different from the usual peanut butter – not as creamy but intriguing in its own way. I found it to be sweeter than my regular spread, a delightful surprise for my sweet tooth.

The consistency was a bit on the runnier side, which I believe makes it perfect for blending into smoothies or yogurts.

However, there was a chalky undertone and a hint of artificial flavor that caught my attention. Despite being less flavorful than natural peanut butter, it introduced a unique taste to my palate.

I took it as an opportunity to experiment, to take my taste buds on an adventure. I tried PB Fit on toast, mixed it into yogurts, and blended it into smoothies – each with its distinct flavor profile.

The true winner was its versatility. PB Fit surprised me by being an excellent fit for baking and dips, adding a low-fat, protein-rich twist to my recipes.

Despite its unique taste, PB Fit has found a place in my kitchen, adding variety to my daily meals and snacks. It’s like a new friend who’s just a bit different but brings something fresh and exciting to the table.


My journey with Costco’s PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder truly mirrors the essence of convenience. From the moment I bought it, a generous best-before date of 17 months reassured me. Storing it was simple – a cool, dry, and dark corner in my pantry was all it needed.

Every morning, I found myself reaching for the PB Fit to sprinkle onto my oatmeal, add a protein punch to my smoothies, or create a delightful spread for my toast.

The beauty of it is that you don’t have to mix the entire bottle, just sprinkle as much as you need. It was also a welcome addition to my Greek yogurt, adding a nutty kick that my taste buds adored.

The versatility of PB Fit truly shone when I started incorporating it into my baking. It lent a healthful twist to peanut butter cookies, banana bread, pancakes, and even my decadent mug cake.

I’ve crafted protein shakes, skinny pancakes, flourless muffins, and even vegan mousse parfaits with PB Fit, each recipe etching a unique story on my culinary journey.

This peanut butter powder from Costco became my go-to ingredient, always ready to elevate my dishes to new flavorful heights, a constant companion in my kitchen adventures.


As a Costco devotee and wellness enthusiast, my nutrition radar was immediately intrigued by PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder’s nutritional profile.

One tablespoon hosts a modest 35 calories, light enough to seamlessly blend into my healthy diet. With just one gram of fat, it was an inviting low-fat option, further convincing me of its benefits.

The presence of three grams of carbohydrates and one gram of fiber sat well with me, ensuring a balanced energy supply and digestive health.

Delightfully, each spoonful carries one gram of sugar, striking a perfect balance between health and taste.

The protein content, at four grams, was impressive, fulfilling a good portion of my daily protein requirements, which truly resonated with my fitness-oriented lifestyle.

However, the 75 milligrams of sodium per serving caught my attention; it’s relatively high but manageable if you’re mindful of your overall daily sodium intake.

Overall, Costco’s PB Fit was a nutritionally sound choice, complementing my health-conscious journey.

What I Liked & What I Didn’t Like

After spending considerable time with PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder, I’ve formed a well-rounded opinion based on my Costco shopping experience and extensive personal usage.

What I Liked

  • Versatility: PB Fit demonstrated its multifaceted utility as I experimented with it in toast spreads, yogurt enrichments, and smoothie additives. It excelled in my baking endeavors, enhancing the flavor of my homemade cookies and muffins.
  • Convenience: The powdered form enabled no-mess usage, and the flexibility to adjust the consistency as needed added a level of control I appreciated. Plus, its long shelf-life is an undeniable advantage.
  • Nutrition Profile: At 35 calories per tablespoon, PB Fit is a commendable low-fat alternative. The protein content is a bonus for my active lifestyle.
  • Cost: Costco’s bulk-size offering of PB Fit offers excellent value, making it an economical choice for regular usage.

What I Didn’t Like:

  • Taste: Unfortunately, the taste didn’t fully meet my expectations. I found PB Fit a bit too sweet for my liking, and it lacked the robust, nutty flavor of traditional peanut butter.
  • Consistency: The consistency, often runny when mixed with liquid, deviated from the creaminess I love in regular peanut butter.
  • Artificial Flavor: Despite my efforts to incorporate it into various recipes, I couldn’t overlook the slightly chalky taste and artificial flavor.

Remember, tastes are subjective and my assessment is based on my personal preferences. This Costco PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder could still be the perfect fit for others seeking a low-fat, versatile peanut butter substitute.

Few Words Before Wrapping Up

In the grand tapestry of my Costco shopping experiences, the PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder holds a unique thread.

From the onset, the versatility and convenience of this product left me intrigued. As I delved deeper, incorporating it into my daily culinary adventures and creative recipes, the PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder proved to be a reliable ally.

It answered my call for a nutritious, low-fat, and protein-packed substitute to regular peanut butter, without creating a dent in my wallet.

Although it fell short in replicating the creamy texture and rich flavor of its traditional counterpart, it certainly carved its niche in my kitchen.

I must say, as an ardent Costco shopper and a fitness enthusiast, I’m pleased with this economical, multifunctional offering.

This Costco PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder review is a testament to my journey with this product – exploring its potential, navigating its shortcomings, and ultimately appreciating its merits.

Whether you’re a fellow fitness fanatic, an experimental cook, or a budget shopper like me, I invite you to give this product a try. Who knows? It might just become your next pantry staple!

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