Costco Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi Review 2024

In the bustling aisles of Costco, something unique caught my eye—a 60-count pack of Tropical Fields Brown Sugar Boba Milk Tea Mochi.

These bite-sized delights, with their tantalizing combination of tapioca balls and mochi, were impossible to ignore.

As a long-time Costco shopper and boba lover, I was super excited to try this innovation that’s starting to commandeer shelf and fridge space in stores nationwide.

A new sensation in the world of flavors, I had previously relished boba in its beverage form, but this was a first-time adventure in an entirely new texture.

I swiftly grabbed a pack, personally recommending a freeze before indulging, and plunged into a tasting experience that was both familiar and surprisingly novel.

The rising popularity of this product is something that has not gone unnoticed, and I knew it was time for a thorough, first-hand review.

Join me as we unravel the unique flavor and texture of this intriguing treat, right from unboxing to the final taste test.

Whether you’re a mochi novice or a seasoned connoisseur, this review offers fresh insights and a passionate perspective on a product that’s redefining dessert boundaries.

Unboxing & Packaging

The moment I laid eyes on the Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi packaging at Costco, I was intrigued.

The vibrant 900-gram bag was truly a sight to behold, adorned with eye-catching graphics of bobas, mochis, and more—like a tantalizing visual feast heralding the flavors within.

Upon opening, I discovered 60 individually wrapped gems, a practical design decision that screamed convenience while hinting at the care taken in preserving each treat’s integrity.

The tactile thrill of holding each 15-gram piece, neatly enveloped in its own little wrapper, added a personal touch to the experience.

The packaging, to me, conveyed not just the product’s identity but also the brand’s commitment to a quality experience.

It was an engaging introduction to the delectable journey that lay ahead, a journey that promised a dance of flavors and textures.

This visual and tactile treat, coupled with the practicality of individual wrapping, certainly set the stage for what was to come—an exploration of unique tastes that could be savored one mochi at a time.


Stepping into my local Costco, the Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi pack was an unexpected find, priced attractively between $9 to $10 USD. With a quick calculation, each individual mochi comes out to a reasonable 15 to 16 cents.

Interestingly, I reached out to a relative up North and discovered that it retails for $9.99 CAD in Canada—making it just a smidge over 16 cents CAD per piece.

Considering the unique flavor experience each piece delivers, I found the price rather fair. Not to mention, you might luck out and spot it during a sale at your nearest Costco, which adds even more value to this delectable deal.

To me, this blend of taste and value truly embodies the Costco experience.


Experiencing the Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi from Costco was a gastronomic adventure. The moment I held it, the pillowy soft, almost gelatinous texture felt inviting.

As I bit into it, a wave of sweetness infused with brown sugar took over, crafting a delightful fusion that was hard to put into words.

Although advertised as a boba milk tea mochi, I found the taste of the classic tapioca pearls slightly elusive.

Yet, this was not a disappointment, as the sugary undernotes did an excellent job of elevating the mochi’s taste.

The freshness was unmistakable, preserved by individual packaging that lent each piece a slightly powdery exterior.

Experimenting, I decided to freeze a piece and found that the icy cold variant offered a novel texture. The chill made the mochi firmer, almost like a bubble tea tapioca pearl.

The overall squishiness subdued and the line distinguishing the tapioca pearls within the mochi dough became more pronounced, providing a unique experience that I personally preferred.

On the other hand, when enjoyed at room temperature, the candy was extremely squishy, chewy, and incredibly easy to bite into.

However, the softness made it slightly challenging to discern the presence of the boba from the mochi. My advice? Definitely try freezing the Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi.

The transformation of texture from soft to firm, and the enhanced differentiation between the boba and the mochi, make it a truly intriguing treat to relish.

After all, it’s the harmonious blend of brown sugar, boba, and mochi that lends this dessert its unique appeal!


Shopping at Costco has its perks and the convenience that the Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi offers is a standout.

What struck me first was the individual wrapping – a simple but smart way to keep each mochi tasting fresh as the day it was packaged.

No matter when you choose to indulge, that first bite is guaranteed to deliver a rush of freshness, every single time.

But what sealed the deal was the longevity of this delight. When I purchased these, I noticed the best before date was a whopping year and two months away.

So whether you’re a regular mochi consumer or like to indulge occasionally, these treats give you the flexibility to enjoy them at your own pace.

You’re not rushing against time, and that, to me, is a major win when it comes to convenience. This fusion of preservation and freshness sets a high bar for other sweet treats in my pantry.


Navigating the nutrition maze of the Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi from Costco was an enlightening experience.

Just two pieces of this delightful mochi present a manageable 110 calories, which for a sweet indulgence, was quite a pleasant surprise.

In terms of fat content, at two grams, it’s relatively low. I’ve had treats that pack a lot more, so this was a win in my book.

The carbohydrate count stands at 22 grams. That’s a tad high, but remember, we’re talking about a sweet snack, not a meal.

What delighted me, even more, was the six grams of sugar. For something so sweet-tasting, this amount is not overboard at all. If you’re watching your sugar intake, these mochis won’t derail your plans.

The only caveat is the lack of protein and fiber, meaning it’s not exactly a balanced snack. But hey, we’re talking dessert here, not a nutritional supplement.

Also, at just 10 mg of sodium, these mochis won’t exacerbate any salt concerns. All in all, as far as sweet treats go, these mochi are not a nutritional nightmare and can be enjoyed in moderation.

What I Liked & What I Didn’t Like

Delving into the world of Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi from Costco was an adventure of flavors and textures. As an avid Costco shopper, here’s my authentic and personal take on this unique treat:

What I Liked:

  • Taste Sensation: The balanced blend of sweetness from the brown sugar and the subtle hint of tea flavor left a delightful and fresh taste in my mouth. The chewy and gelatinous texture only heightened the flavor sensation.
  • Nutritional Balance: For a dessert, these mochi were a pleasant surprise, boasting relatively low calories and sugar, making it a guilt-free indulgence.
  • Convenience: Individual packaging is a significant advantage. The mochi stayed fresh, and the long best-before date assured me that I could savor them at my own pace.
  • Frozen Delight: The texture and taste improved drastically when frozen. It almost resembled my beloved bubble tea’s tapioca pearls, adding an extra layer to the taste journey.

What I Didn’t Like:

  • Tapioca Pearl Flavor: Despite being a key ingredient, the tapioca pearl flavor wasn’t distinct, blending a bit too seamlessly with the mochi, which somewhat marred the overall boba experience.
  • Nutritional Profile: The mochi could benefit from some fiber and protein. While I understand it’s a dessert, it would have been better if it offered a bit more nutritional value.
  • Price Point: Compared to other desserts available at Costco, these mochi are slightly pricier. However, given the unique flavor profile, it’s a cost I’m willing to bear occasionally.

So, as a seasoned Costco shopper and a newfound Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi fan, I’d say this treat is a worthwhile experience for those seeking a different kind of sweet adventure.

Few Words Before Wrapping Up

As a fervent Costco shopper and a connoisseur of all things sweet, my journey through the aisles led me to the charming Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi, an adventure that proved to be both enlightening and delicious.

This Costco Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi review wouldn’t be complete without acknowledging the innovative fusion of boba milk tea and mochi – a marriage of textures that has made this product an irresistible buy.

This delightful treat delivered a satisfactory balance of taste, convenience, and value for money, despite having a few areas for improvement.

It’s an affordable, exotic dessert that, in my opinion, brings a whole new level of excitement to the Costco shopping experience.

The nutritional value, though not extraordinary, was within acceptable limits for a dessert. Its unique character lies in its versatility, where the joy of savoring the mochi shifts between its room temperature and frozen states.

Although it fell slightly short on flavor differentiation between the tapioca pearls and the mochi, the overall experience was worth relishing.

To conclude, if you’re looking for a unique, value-for-money, easy-to-serve dessert that will leave you pleasantly surprised, the Tropical Fields Boba Milk Tea Mochi is a must-try on your next Costco run.

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