Costco Tru Fru Frozen Chocolate Covered Strawberries Review 2024

Diving into the frozen aisles at Costco, I stumbled upon a delightful treat that promised both decadence and luxury: Tru Fru Frozen Chocolate Covered Strawberries.

At first glance, the meticulous layering of milk chocolate atop a silky white base intrigued me. Recalling my delightful experience with the wholly white chocolate variant, I was eager to decipher the magic of this dual-chocolate delight.

Every bite was a symphony of flavors, from the richness of the milk chocolate to the creamy undertones of white chocolate, harmonizing perfectly with the succulent frozen strawberries within.

As someone who not only shops but also critically reviews, my taste buds don’t lie. My journey with Tru Fru’s masterpieces has been nothing short of transformative, and this latest find only reinforces my belief in their expertise.

If you’ve ever pondered the intersection of luxury and convenience in dessert form, continue on, for this is a tale of pure indulgence.

Unboxing & Packaging

Unveiling the Tru Fru from Costco was an experience worth relishing. The packaging immediately caught my attention: a vibrant pink top half seamlessly transitioning to the bottom, adorned with artful graphics of chocolate drizzles and luscious strawberries.

The vivid depiction of the real strawberry chocolate gave a tantalizing sneak peek of the treasure within.

Having opted for a slightly larger pack of around 450g to 500g, primarily for my wife’s fondness for it, I was elated to see its promising content.

On carefully unsealing it, the scent wafted out, and before me lay chocolates, pristine and ready to be devoured.

The meticulous packaging not only encapsulated the product’s essence but also forged an emotional chord, turning every unboxing moment into an intimate celebration.


I secured it for a reasonable USD $9 to $10 for a bountiful 450g to 550g pack. The price seemed even more justified, knowing the joy it’d bring to my wife.

Out of curiosity, I later inquired about its cost in Canada and discovered it’s pegged around $12 for a 450g package. Given the quality and sheer indulgence it offers, the price felt just right.

Every penny seemed to resonate with the intimate celebrations we’ve had, unwrapping and savoring each morsel. Truly, a small price for the luxurious moments it crafts.


Delving into the decadent world of Costco’s Tru Fru Frozen Chocolate Covered Strawberries, I was immediately captivated by their aesthetic charm.

Draped in layers of white and milk chocolate, these strawberries flaunted a rich, ripe red beneath the generous sheen of chocolate, making them a visual treat.

But, as someone who’s savored numerous chocolate treats, the real journey began with the first bite. The strawberries, though beautifully enrobed in chocolate, presented a slightly mushy texture, especially in comparison to their fresh counterparts.

A 15-minute thaw rendered them easier to sink your teeth into, revealing a heart still slightly frozen. The genuine surprise was the challenge of distinguishing between the tastes of white and milk chocolate.

They danced together harmoniously, each amplifying the other, leading to a sweeter symphony than my usual dark chocolate indulgence. However, the strawberries, while appearing ripe, lacked that authentic sweet burst I anticipated.

They were slightly subdued in their flavor, leaving the chocolate duo to take center stage. This sweetness, potent in every bite, meant that even a strawberry or two effortlessly quelled my cravings.

On my first tasting, I found them to be overly sweet, but giving them a second chance transformed my opinion. The intertwining flavors grew on me, and seeing my wife’s sheer delight as she relished them made the experience even more cherished.

The rapid disappearance of these strawberries from our plate was a testament to their unexpected allure.


Their convenience was immediately evident. I appreciated the flexibility the packaging offered. While they could nestle comfortably in my freezer, I opted to refrigerate them, inspired by the tantalizing idea of immediate indulgence.

The bag candidly advised consumption within 48 hours, amplifying my urge to delve in frequently. For those craving just a bite or two, the freezer offers an effortless solution, with the strawberries remaining poised for a quick, sweet fix.

Taking a cue from the package, I’d let them thaw for about 15 minutes, enhancing their texture and flavor fusion. A reassuring note: the ‘best before’ date stretched nearly two years from my purchase.

Such longevity, combined with the luxury of choosing between freezing or refrigerating, epitomized convenience.

Each time I reached for them, a momentary escape into sweet euphoria awaited, all with minimal fuss. The allure of this delightful treat, combined with its straightforward storage, echoes the harmony of practicality and pleasure.


As a health-conscious individual and an ardent Costco enthusiast, delving into the nutrition facts of the Tru Fru Frozen Chocolate Covered Strawberries became essential for me.

Consuming four of these luscious treats, weighing approximately 37g, introduced my system to roughly 120 calories. On breaking it down, I noticed a substantial seven grams of fat. Carbohydrates, an energy-fueling element, stood at 13 grams.

However, what caught my attention was the 12 grams of sugar, slightly on the higher side for my regular intake. With no fiber to counterbalance, I was a tad bit wary, but the inclusion of a gram of protein was comforting.

Considering these figures, I cherish these strawberries as occasional delights, maintaining a mindful balance between indulgence and nutrition.

What I Liked & What I Didn’t Like

What I Liked

  • Unboxing Delight: On my first encounter with these strawberries, the vibrant packaging hinted at a premium product. Unveiling them was akin to unveiling a present, with the ripe red strawberries cloaked in double-layered chocolate waiting inside.
  • Cost-Effective Indulgence: For a dessert so intricately layered and aesthetically delightful, the price was a pleasant surprise. Value for money at its best.
  • Sweet Satiety: The harmonious blend of white and milk chocolate combined with the subtle sweetness of strawberries meant I didn’t need many to satisfy my sweet tooth. A couple of these goodies were often enough!
  • Convenient Cravings: The clarity in storage instructions made it easy for me to choose between refrigeration or freezing, aiding in satiating sudden dessert desires.

What I Didn’t Like:

  • Overwhelming Sweetness: My penchant leans toward dark chocolate’s bittersweet symphony. Thus, the amalgamation of milk and white chocolate was, initially, a tad too sweet for my liking.
  • Strawberry Texture: Frozen strawberries have an inherent mushiness. I missed the firmness and juiciness of fresh strawberries enveloped in chocolate.

Deciphering the world of Tru Fru Frozen Chocolate Covered Strawberries from Costco was a journey. There were moments of sheer delight and a few of nuanced critique. Yet, every bite told a story – of quality, value, and thoughtful production.

Few Words Before Wrapping Up

Concluding my journey with the Costco Tru Fru Frozen Chocolate Covered Strawberries, it’s clear that this product encapsulates both the essence of indulgence and convenience.

As a devoted Costco shopper, I’ve delved into numerous treats, but this one genuinely resonated with my taste and lifestyle.

Every bite, replete with the dual layers of chocolate and the tang of strawberries, reminded me of the quality and thoughtfulness Costco consistently brings to its offerings. Yet, like every product, it’s not without its nuances.

This Costco Tru Fru Frozen Chocolate Covered Strawberries Review isn’t just my recount of a shopping experience; it’s an invitation for you to explore, taste, and derive your own sweet conclusions.

Whether it’s the burst of sweetness or the comfort of quick cravings, these strawberries promise a delightful experience, with every nuance contributing to its unique story.

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